Just a lazy kinda day around the apartment. Janell was in her studio so I did some dishes, cookie cleanup, grocery shopping, floor cleaning, podcast listening, site pimpin', christmas listin' (check out my Amazon Wishlist that I can't figure out how to link here), photo posting, and checkbook managin'. I overslept and missed church. This was due to a late night viewing of The Royal Tennenbaums. There are just as many spiritual lessons in the film so it all came out in the wash. The photo illustrating this post came with a save the date e-mail for Cindy and Dan's wedding. Please note the title of the photo when you hover over it.
Hi Ryan,
You can easily display your Amazon wishlist on your blog by going here:
You enter your Amazon Wish List ID and that will then give you a small piece of Javascript code to cut and paste into your blog template. You can use CSS to style it to your blog’s look and feel.
Posted by: Ben | December 12, 2005 at 12:33 PM
Thanks for the tip man. As you can see, I finally got the TypePad app to work. I gave you a shout out though...http://holaolah.typepad.com/holaolah/2005/12/almost_cut_my_h.html
Posted by: Ryan | December 12, 2005 at 11:53 PM