These bikers make me proud to be an American. Seriously.
"When a total stranger gets on a motorcycle in the middle of winter and drives 300 miles to hold a flag, that makes a powerful statement."
Cue the Lee Greenwood. Just Kidding.
Here's the story in question: Bikers Roll to Soldier Funerals To Drown Out Protesters - February 16, 2006 - The New York Sun - NY Newspaper.
If you'd like to do more research on Fred Phelps and scratch your head and wonder if Hell will have a special battalion of demons and evil creatures just for his damnation case, check out this wikipedia article on him. What a wack-job.
I was unable to view Fred's site from work because it was blocked due to websense's determination that it contains hate speech. Really? Are you sure? I just got a look at it. More whacked stuff. Here's a little recap of one of their recent missions to protest at a dead soldiers funeral:
We made our way to the site of the memorial service (absent a body) for Army Sgt. First Class John D. Morton, he lately of Stanton, Kentucky and more recently (and currently) of Hell. We had a nice location to display the precious seed – just as the road curved to reach the memorial service site (at the First Church Of Baal) – so display it we did. As the family and “friends” of Morton came around the curve, slowing to take in the sight and then to turn into the service, they had full view of these messages, held aloft by the banner carriers:
God Hates America
God Hates Fag Enablers
God Hates Fags
God Hates the USA
God Hates You!
United You’ll Fall
Too Late To Pray
God Blew Up The Troops
Fags Doom Nations
Don’t Worship The Dead
God Is America’s Terrorist
Fags Are Worthy Of Death
God’s Rod (photo of airplane striking Twin Towers)
You’re Going To Hell
Thank God For Dead Soldiers
God Is Your Enemy
America Is Doomed
God’s View (picture of uncle Sam in cross-hairs of God)
Numerous American flags on the ground and held upside down
On a final note, in case you're looking for a righteous crusade against Fred and his family, the following fuckfredphelps domains are available for you to use. Godspeed!
I'm a little disturbed. Hello decency, where have you gone?
Posted by: Gentry | February 22, 2006 at 05:02 PM
All I can think of when I see this entry is that Todd Snider song, conservative christian right wing republican straight white american men
Posted by: Pete | February 22, 2006 at 09:08 PM