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« Jack White's Coke Commercial | Main | The Swimmers cover The Kinks »

April 29, 2006




Two things: First, definitely make those t-shirts.

Second, post something else. Please. This whole topic is just too involved for anyone with a life.


1. I can make that t-shirt if oyu give me the design

2. I'll be a guitar/vocal and you can do the autoharp/vocal


After reading this post I'm almost ashamed to admit I like some ZoeGirl songs. Even if they are hussies on parade. :)

There's a line from a christian song that comes to mind when I read Slice of Laodicea.
"If you want to take me to Jesus you better find another way - cause your life is speaking so loud I can't hear a word you say"

Hello - judgemental christians everywhere - last time I checked it was up to my GOD to judge...not us.

I'll step off my soapbox now.

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