From the 2002 files... I think I overstretched the abilities of the band in the piece. I also over wrote the article. Haven't seen the Ponies since to let you know if they lived up to my hype. For the collective sake of all involved, I really do hope so. I also can't even bring myself to read it in its entirety. Sometimes when listening to Rod, the line "before the '80s emasculation" pops into my head and I get embarrassed. I also get a weird shooting pain that shocks my molars via my fillings. Creepy. Dear reader, in the spirit of disclosure and loosely joining my small pieces, I now present my profile of the band, No Show Ponies, originally published in Central PA's Fly Magazine. I busted out every single rock journo cliche in the book on this one. If you want to see how many you can list, have at me in the comments arena.