I have two blue bandanas that I rotate as back left pocket hankies for my house work clothes. Most nights I come home from the office and transform into contstuction dude/handy man. (At some point I need to figure out which one is my secret identity and which one is the super hero alter ego.) I appreciate the functionality of the hanky. It's primary use is to collect dust-induced boogies and occasionally clean the debris off of whatever I may be making; this week it was crates for shipping paintings.
It might just be the closest thing that I have to a security blanket. It's always there. I can always count on it. It always dries my tears. It reminds me of my grandpas.
Janell finds my security snot rag rather unsanitary. She says it's "like carrying around my used dinner napkin with me all week..no, it's worse than that. Much worse. It's just disgusting and filthy and gross."
I've never really thought about it as being gross. I just figured it was a time honored way of handling my nasal issues in a manly manner.
I'm not going anywhere with this besides sharing a mundane point of minor contention from our lovely and concrete strong, steel reinforced union.